  • Registration


Save on the registration fees by registering before 30 September 2024!

Early registrations will be accepted until 30 September 2024, 23h59. The reduced fees will only apply when early registration is accompanied by payment and received before said deadline (30 September 2024). If your payment is not received before the deadline, the regular registration fee will be automatically charged.

Delegates’ registration fee includes:

  • Welcome Reception
  • Access to the industry exhibition and poster area
  • Access to the sessions
  • Congress documents
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Scheduled coffee breaks
  • Lunch on 2nd and 3rd November 2024
  • Dinner on 2nd November 2024

Registration fees


Until 30 September 2024
250 EUR

From 30 September 2024
350 EUR

LASPEN Member Dietitian / Nurse

Until 30 September 2024
200 EUR

From 30 September 2024
300 EUR

ESPEN Member

Until 30 September 2024
300 EUR

From 30 September 2024
400 EUR

Non Member

Until 30 September 2024
350 EUR

From 30 September 2024
450 EUR

Registration form


Cancellation conditions

All cancellations must be sent to Baltic Travel Group in writing. For cancellations received up to 15 October 2024, deposits will be refunded less 25% administrative charge. After this date, no refunds will be possible.

Organizing secretariat

Scientific committee

Vera Grinjova

+371 28621506